Accepting life as it is = the path to JOY

How often have we wanted life to be other than it is? How often to we blame others for where were at in life? How often do you say that if I could only ‘xyz’ I would be happier?

The reality is you are seeking life to be other than it is and that is the cause of the pain.

Acceptance doesn’t mean you like where you’re life is, but it IS the first step to being able to take ownership in changing it.

This hit me hard today as I sat in my sons psych office discussing his recent autism diagnosis and realizing that he’s never going to be like the other little boys, growing up playing football, rough housing on the playground and playing in mud.

Why? Because his sensory and social skills are just different from ‘a typical’ boys. He’s too black and white thinking. He doesn’t like particular textures. He has to follow the rules to a ‘t’. He sees a scenario playing out in his head and when it doesn’t go that way he implodes. That’s just how HIS BRAIN works.

If I continue to wish life was different for him or me….. I would continue to suffer. Instead I have to accept this is the life we have and work within the parameters that will work for us to both thrive and a dynamic duo.

The cool thing about accepting life as it is…….. IT WORKS ACROSS ALL AREAS OF YOUR LIFE! Try it out and see how it feels! Let me know what you learn!